Streamline Mic
The StreamLine Mic transforms your Signia devices into more than just state-of-the-art hearing aids. They also become a hands-free headset and wireless headphones that stream premium stereo quality music and audio from any Bluetooth device – mobile phones, PCs, laptops, and smart assistants like Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant.
You can take phone calls without having to take the phone out of your pocket. You can even make calls using voice commands. While streaming sound from your TV into your hearing aids via our StreamLine TV accessory, you can instantly take calls without having to turn off the TV sound manually. Besides, you can stream the phone call into both of your hearing aids (in case you have two) which significantly increases the quality of your conversation.
StreamLine Mic also functions as a remote microphone to help you in challenging listening situations, such as crowded meetings or out for lunch with family. You can stream a speaker’s voice directly into your hearing aids from a distance of up to 20 meters. As a result, you hear the speaker as clearly as if he or she were standing right next to you.
All of Signias Streamline accessories are available through our audiology partners.